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3rd Erasmus+ project in our School

Be In- Be Innovative

Our project Be Innovative will be realized in the next two years. This is the third project from the Erasmus+ programme.. It continues further training of school staff in the field of application of innovative teaching methods, introduction of curriculum changes in schools, strengthening of the institution's capacity as a whole and developing key competences for teachers and pupils.

Project Team members: 

Sanja Čagalj,  headmistress

Fadila Zoranić, pedagogue, project coordinator

Ivana Bokavšek, English language teacher

Nina Stričević, chemistry and biology teacher

Antonia Drlje, English language teacher

Katarina Sablić, mathematics teacher

Vini Ballarin, primary education teacher



Partner Schools: 

Fundación escuelas Jado de Erandio

Istituto Comprensivo Statale di Codogno


Padagogische hochshule WIEN

Vienna, Austria


School headmistress Sanja Čagalj, chemistry and biology teacher Nina Stričević and English language teacher Iris Olujić Ljubica participated in job shadowing activities within Erasmus+ project Be In- Be Innovative from 1 to 5 April 2019.

They visited Padagogische Hochschule in Vienna. During their stay in school they met with the organisation of the school, collaboration with the faculty, teaching practice and innovative methodologies of teaching.

Bilbao, Spain


The first job shadowing activity in the project was in Bilbao, Spain. Three members of our project team: Antonia Drlje- English teacher; Katarina Sablić- mathematics teacher and Fadila Zoranić- school pedagogue and project coordinator visited Fundación escuelas Jado de Erandio and stayed there for five working days to observe the classes and exchange the information about educational systems in Spain and in Croatia with Spanish colleagues. 

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