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Sports with Jakov and Bruno


Welcome to our column. For our first article we decided to interview our football players ( Lovre Lončar, Maro Letunić and Marino Skelin ) together with Zoa Purić, Eva Sumić and Laura Jeričević. Maro and Lovre are not from Split so it was really hard for them to blend in. Marino is from Split, so it was not a problem for him.

1. When did you come to Hajduk /How old were you?


Lovre Lončar: I came in 2018 and I was 12.

Maro Letunić: I came the same year as Lovre, in 2018 and I was 12.


2. Where did you train before Hajduk?


Lovre Lončar: In NK Velebit – Benkovac.

Maro Letunić: In Football Academy Konavli.

Marino Skelin: In NK Spinut.


3. Why Hajduk, and not some other club?


Lovre Lončar: Because Hajduk was the only stronger club closer to Benkovac so I can be home every weekend.

Maro Letunić: Because Hajduk is the best.

Marino Skelin: Because Hajduk is the only strong and good club in Split.


4. How do you imagine your football career?


Lovre Lončar: I want to become a professional football player and play a game on Poljud in front of 13 000 people.

Maro Letunić: I dont know, I just want to be a good person and a good footballer.

Marino Skelin: I want to become a professional footballer.


5. If you could choose one club to play for which one would you pick?


Lovre Lončar: Barcelona.

Maro Letunić and Marino Skelin: Liverpool.


6. Was it hard to make friends in a new school?


Lovre Lončar: No, just easy and positive.

Maro Letunić: Well it was hard at first, but it went well later.


7. Is it hard to learn and train at the same time?


Lovre Lončar: It's really hard almost impossible.

Maro Letunić: No because I have my friend Bruno Muhar.


8. Which subject is the hardest?


Lovre Lončar: Croatian and English.

Maro Letunić: English.

Marino Skelin: Art.


9. Do your teachers treat you differently than other students?


Lovre Lončar: It depends.

Maro Letunić: Yes, but not too much.

Marino Skelin: Not really.


10. Is it sometimes that hard that you want to give up on everything?

Lovre Lončar: No, never. Just positivity!

Maro Letunić and Marino Skelin: Rarely.


11. What do you do in your free time?


Lovre Lončar: I go to the cinema and I hang out with my friends.

Maro Letunić: I go to the cinema.

Marino Skelin: I play PlayStation and go out.


12. Do you have time to go out with your friends?          


Everyone: Always.


13. Do you have any girlfriends or crushes?


Lovre Lončar: I do.

Maro Letunić: Not yet.

Marino Skelin: I do.


14. Do you miss you families?


Lovre Lončar: Yes, a lot.

Maro Letunić: Yes.


15. Would you ever stop playing football?


Lovre Lončar: No, never.

Maro Letunić: No.


Kobe Bryant was an American professional basketball player. He entered the NBA directly from high school. He and his daughter Gianna died in a helicopter crash on 26th January 2020. He was a global icon and his work motivated a lot of people. These days the whole world is in shock and they are really sad. The world has lost two angels and basketball legends. Rest in peace.






1/27/20/2020. the National Swimming Championship was held in Rijeka.

19 female and 18 male teams participated.

In the women's competition the team of our school won an excellent fourth place.



Spinut swimmers were:

Jelena Butic, Ingrid Skoko, Marina Barcot, Ivona Bitunjac, Luna Grubisic, Mila Kosta, Korina Klaric, Nina Visic, Lana Mihanovic

and they competed in the disciplines of front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. The 4x50 freestyle and 4x50 relays were the most interesting because they brought in double points.

The team leader and trainer was Jasenka Bracanović-Grizelj, PE teacher.

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