presi presentations and kahoot quiz in biology class
Fifth grade students and their teacher Nina Stričević decided to make biology class different and more interesting.
They learned about world hunger problems, eating disorders, breeding and protection of plants and animals through Prezi presentations. After acquiring knowledge, they revised and checked using Kahoot Quiz.
Apart from learning a lot of new facts they had a great time and much fun. And the most interesting thing is that the students made presentations and quizzes themselves!
Likovna radionica
„Mali graditelji“
za učenike četvrtih razreda
Voditeljice radionice: Anica Bašić i Ružica Maleš
U likovnoj radionici djeca su najprije slušala i gledala malu prezentaciju o „blagu“ našega grada. Iz te „bogate riznice“ izdvojili smo „blago“ našeg Marjana. Gledajući prezentaciju uživjeli su se u šetnju Marjanom i otkrivali crkvicu za crkvicom.
Ukratko smo analizirali te male marjanske crkvice, a onda su i sami kao mali graditelji pristupili „izradi“ malih marjanskih crkava, slažući komadiće gline kao pravo kamenje. Shvatili su da treba puno strpljenja, truda i upornosti da bi se nešto „vrijedno sagradilo“.
Izdvajamo neke njihove dojmove…
„Na radionici mi je bilo jako zanimljivo i zabavno. Naučila sam raditi crkvu od kockica gline. Kada sam radila osjećala sam kao da gradim pravu crkvu…“
„Bilo mi je jako zabavno. Gradili smo crkve od malih „cigla“ i šteta što je samo jednom godišnje.“
„Radionica mi se jako svidjela. Učiteljice su se stalno zezale i svi smo se smijali. Mislila sam da će mi to biti naporno, a nakon prvog reda zaljubila sam se u ovu radionicu. Svaka čast!“
„Ja sam mislila da ćemo raditi nešto od kartona ali ovo mi se svidjelo više od ičega. Ruke su mi bile ljepljive, ali nema veze, jer sam se super zabavila.“
„Dok sam lijepila glinene „cigle“ za podlogu, osjećala sam se poput graditelja na gradilištu. Bilo mi je super!“
„Dok sam radio crkvu razmišljao sam kako su naši stari preci trebali cijeli dan klesati kamen kako bi napravili malu crkvicu…“
A naša Lucija, koja je jedina uspjela „sagraditi cijelu crkvicu svetog Jure“, kaže: „Likovna je radionica bila super. Kad sam jedina dovršila crkvu osjećala sam se kao da mogu sve na svijetu. Bila sam jako sretna i ponosna na svoju crkvu. Učiteljice su mi puno pomogle i jako sam im zahvalna.“
Polly and Friends at a Picnic
As part of the eTwinning project
Our English Hand Puppet
class 1B , with their English teacher Jelena Kukoč, have created a lovely story called Polly and Friends at a Picnic. We hope you will enjoy reading it as much as they have enjoyed creating it!
Check it out at the link below:
Pupils from the extended classes learned how to make pudding. With the help of their teacher Goranka Knego they made chocolate and vanilla pudding.
We tasted it and it was delicious.
journalists: Lana Keč and Leonora Oluić, class 6.A
With the help of their teacher Nina Stričević, seventh graders learned about natural indicators in their chemistry classes. They found out that red cabbage juice is a very good natural indicator that can be used to prove the acidity and the alkalinity of the solution. In groups, pupils examined the properties of various substances (such as vinegar, baking soda, tap water, oven cleaners ... ) and other that can be found in every household and are used in everyday life. They learned something new, and, in addition, had a lot of fun!!
Extended Classes
4 teachers in extended classes decided to tech 4 different activities:
Old Dances
Creative Corner
World of Music
Teacher Goranka Knego teches Household, teacher Katarina Bušić teaches Old Dances,
teacher Silvija Vranješ teaches Creative Corner and teacher Maja Bulić teaches World of Music.
Household by Goranka Knego
Children learn about:
Diffrent kinds of groceries and about grocery shopping
Homemade meals
Serving the table and table manners
Cleaning and tiding-up
Sewing a button and dressing up
Using household appliances
Taking care of pets
Personal hygiene and health
The World of Music by Maja Bulić
Children learn about:
Singing children songs expressively
Learning old Split's songs
Learning about new instruments and old instruments
Basic mucis theory ( musical alphabet, pace, dynamics... )
Musical improvisations with percussions
Mucis games and dramatization
Designing simple choreography for the learned songs
Musical creations
Creative corner by Silvija Vranješ
Children learn about:
Painting and drawing certain motives
Creating motives
Making a picture frame, flowers, jewellery, decorations...
Making doll houses, scenes for the plays
Journalists: Rita Rakita,Zoa Purić and Astrid Sučić
Old Dances by Katarina Bušić
Children learn about:
Singing the songs of our homeland
Playing with each other and playing old instruments
Dancing with old children's songs ( dancing the old Split's dances )
Old words through game
Homeland ( winter-Christmas ) tradition and celebrations
They even went to the Ethnographic Museum to see children's and adult's clothes from the old times.
Teacher Nina Stričević and her class 5A used the ICT technology for the first time while using a microscope
First, students got to know the parts of the light microscope, how to mount a slide and use a microscope.
Then, they had the opportunity to see what those same slides looked like while observed with the Manual Bresser MikrOkular Full HD microscope. They connected the microscope to a laptop which was connected to an LCD projector. Using the associated Full HD camera they enjoyed the projected screen. They used the "CamLablite" programme.
The goal of this lesson was to introduce students to modern techniques of using a microscope
The benefit is that the increase is much larger than with the traditional light microscope which is mostly used in schools. In addition, the greatest value is that all students can see all parts of a slide at the same time, but also in a much more detail. They can also make individual images or short video samples, save them and then use them at the following lessons. This was a new, fun and interesting way to learn about differences in the constitution of a plant and animal cells.
Teacher Maja Vlajčević and her class 1C grow local Mediterranean herbs such as lavander, rosemary and basil in their classroom. The project is called "Mirisi Dalmacije". When the plants grow in three years upper classes will make ethereal oil.