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Welcome to my column. My name is Zoa and I love photography and writing. Let me tell you something about me.


I’m 12 years old and I go to elementary school. I’m in the 6th grade. My favourite subject is English. As I said, I love photography and I want to be a photographer when I grow up.

That’s what this column is about. I will post pictures, videos and stories.

I hope you will enjoy it. So that’s it.    

See you soon,

Zoa xx


Bullying. The word we use a lot but not enough. A word behind the mountain of suffering, sadness, and tears. People who are constantly trying to push us to the bottom. Words that come out come as bullets. Words like: "Ew, you are so ugly!", "Please disappear!", "You are dumb," etc. I know that people who are in this position are trying to ignore things like this, but they can´t. I know it seems impossible, but there is always a way. By listening to these people we begin to look in the mirror looking for our flaws and disadvantages. We begin to hate ourselves. I will not lie to you, nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws and disadvantages. When you look into the mirror and say to yourself that you are worthless, stop. Do not think about what you aren't, but about what you are. What you want to be, what you achieved and what you want to achieve. You are not alone in this world. You don't have to be nice to everyone, but it's important that you are surrounded by people who love you. Even though you think you are alone, believe me, there is always your family and a person who can't wait to become your friend. Long story short I think that talking about bullying and violence is not enough, what we do about it is important. We can not change others, but we can change ourselves. One by one, we can change the world.


Zoa Purić, 6.c


I´m back with a new video.

It´s about how we started this school year. 

Hope you will like it.

See you soon, 

Zoa xx


I´m back with a new picture.

I hope you like it.

Zoa xx

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