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English class- grade 5.a

We, grade 5A, had an interesting revision class. 

Our teacher Milena Kačunić gave us an assignment to find specific information about music legends -

The Beatles and Frank Sinatra.

Since there are so many information on them online it wasn't quite easy to answer the last question and choose the most

interesting facts.

After sharing and comparing the info, using the application Shazam we listened to Sinatra's New York, New York, and Yesterday from 

the Beatles to revise and finish the themes we enjoyed the last month of school- The Past Simple and The City that Never Sleeps.

Biteable on Biology Lessons

Fifth grade students with their teacher Nina Stričević decided to make biology lessons  different and more interesting.

They learned about the breeding and protection of plants and animals through new web tools. The most interesting presentation was made by students Sara Mančev and Ana Magdalena Sučić.

They used the web application Biteable for the first time. Apart from learning a lot of new facts, they had a great time and much fun.

World Compliment Day

The pupils of class 3b marked World Compliment Day, celebrated on 1st March, with their English teacher Jelena Kukoč. The pupils spent the English lesson writing and giving compliments to each other and preparing a classroom poster. After the lesson the pupils admitted that sharing positive feelings with those around them had been an amazing experience!


Kemijomatičke odvrzlame


Učenici 7.a razreda su, pod budnim okom profesorica Nine Stričević i Katarine Sablić, na zanimljiv i zabavan način primijenili svoja znanja matematike i kemije u praktičnom radu.

Podijeljeni u grupe, praktičnim radom iz kemije od pripremljenih tvari kemijskog posuđa i pribora dokazivali su i određivali sastav smjesa, masu i volumen sastojaka, te predlagali načine odjeljivanja pojedinih sastojaka iz navedenih smjesa. Pretvarali su mjerne jedinice, određivali gustoću, računali masene i volumne udjele pojedinih sastojaka.

Nakon kratkih izlaganja svake od grupa, u informatičkoj učionici upoznali su se s besplatnim digitalnim alatom Radom u paru sastavljali su aparature za filtraciju i destilaciju koje su predlagali kao jedan od načina razdvajanja smjesa. Dovršeni digitalni prikaz su zatim mailom poslali profesoricama.


On  January 23rd our P.E. teachers decided to talk with us about our eating habits. They made it more fun by showing us some pictures and a power point presentation. Topics of our conversation were: heathy breakfast, sports, feeling good in our bodies, healthy eating pyramid, anorexia and other eating disorders. We found out some interesting things and it was so much fun.

by: Lara Kondić and Leonora Oluić

George and the Lady

After reading and roleplaying the story of a brave prince and his sad lady, pupils from class 3A made their heroes and the dangerous dragon came to life.

Well, not to life but to pinboard. Here are the castles on the hill and the story told in comics. 

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