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A day of a student at Corona time

Right now we are fighting an invisible enemy. Coronavirus or

COVID – 19 has effected our normal lives a lot.


It was very hard for us students to get used to online school.

The first two days we had to watch TV classes because virtual classrooms weren’t working. Right now the virtual classrooms are working and that’s how we communicate with our teachers and classmates.

Every morning teachers send us tasks for that day and we don’t have to watch TV classes. We often have to send them completed tasks so they can grade us. There are good sides and bad sides of online school. We like the fact that we don’t need to wake up early and we can “go” to school in our pyjamas. What we don’t like is that we need to learn new lessons by ourselves and we have a lot of homework.


We hope that this will end soon and that we can go back to our normal lives. We miss normal school, our friends and even our teachers.


The end of this school year is near. This year was a rollercoaster. It’s been three months since we last sat in school desks. For the last three months, we have been forced to adapt to a "new normal" way of learning - online learning. This experience was interesting and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of learning could be mentioned.

The biggest advantage of this kind of learning is the freedom we got in the organization of our working hours, but it is also a great responsibility and a possible problem.

Since the number of tasks we were given was mostly quite large, it was not always easy to organize without wasting the whole day just on studying.  It was not always easy to cope with this situation. It was hard to accept the fact that we were locked in our homes without the ability to go out and hang out with our friends. For us, kids, school is not just a place for learning. It is a place where we spend time with our friends and teachers and a place where we make memories we will probably remember someday when we are older.

I hope that next school year we will be back in our school desks together with our teachers because communication over the Internet sometimes seems sufficient but is still incomparable to live communication. We used to take physical contact with other people for granted and we weren’t aware of how much it meant to us until we lost it. We came out of this situation smarter and even if next year we don't come back to school it will be easier to organize and study from home. Stay safe, stay smart!

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